Brian Yu Brian Yu

The Importance of Technical Expertise in Frontline Support

In today's digital world, customers expect fast and effective support. But what happens when they reach a maze of automated menus or a form-filling robot instead of a knowledgeable human? This is where technical expertise in frontline support becomes crucial.

Imagine you have a problem. You scour the internet for a solution. Maybe you start with Google, and then you move to YouTube to get a visual explanation. Maybe you even tap into the hot solution of the time: ChatGPT, or even a bit spicier, Gemini. Finally, your options are exhausted so you decide to pick up the phone, look up the support number, and entrust your future to the person who picks up the phone.

Will they be your hero, solving your problem in minutes and leaving you singing their praises on social media?  Or will you be left frustrated, feeling like you've just explained rocket science to a goldfish?

The answer often hinges on one key factor: technical expertise. Frontline support staff are the human connection that can turn a frustrated customer into a loyal brand advocate. But how can companies ensure their frontline heroes are equipped with the technical knowledge they need to succeed?

An Underwhelming Reality

Imagine finally reaching that long-awaited support line, only to be greeted by a robotic voice menu that seems to understand your problem about as well as a mime trapped in a soundproof room. You navigate the labyrinth of options, desperately hoping to connect with a real human being. But alas, the automated system offers no escape, leaving you feeling more frustrated than when you started.

This, unfortunately, is a reality for many customers today. Companies, in a bid for efficiency, often rely on tactics that backfire. Here are some of the pitfalls that can leave customers frustrated and unsatisfied:

  • The Maze of Automated Voices: Overreliance on automated menus can be a nightmare. Customers get stuck in endless loops, unable to articulate their problems to a real person who can actually help.

  • The Bots Take Over (Not in a Good Way): Some companies utilize chatbots that lack the nuanced understanding to handle complex issues. These robotic interactions leave customers feeling unheard and further escalate their frustration.

  • The Form Fillers: You finally reach a human, but their role seems limited to robotically collecting information and filling out forms. There's no genuine attempt to understand your problem or offer a solution, leaving you wondering if you even spoke to a real person at all.

These approaches may seem cost-effective on the surface, but they ultimately damage customer trust and loyalty. Exceptional customer service is THE differentiator. Companies that prioritize technical expertise in their frontline support stand to gain a significant advantage. In fact, according to Salesforce, up to 83% of customers expect to resolve complex problems through a single person. A high standard indeed.

Things Can Be Better

Let’s come together and picture a world where your most pressing technical woes aren't confined to a company's business hours. Imagine reaching out for support and being greeted by a knowledgeable representative, not a maze of automated options or a robotic voice menu. This is the reality companies can create by prioritizing 24/7 technical expertise in their frontline support.

Here's how a round-the-clock team equipped with technical know-how empowers both customers and businesses:

  • Uninterrupted Problem-Solving: Technical issues don't respect business hours. With 24/7 support, customers can get the help they need whenever a problem arises, minimizing downtime and frustration. Imagine a late-night glitch with your critical software – a technically-savvy support agent can be your hero, ensuring you're back on track without missing a beat.

  • Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: Prompt resolution breeds happy customers. By offering immediate assistance, companies demonstrate a commitment to customer satisfaction, fostering loyalty and trust. Imagine the relief of reaching a real person who understands your problem and can fix it, regardless of the time.

  • Reduced Escalations: Technically proficient representatives can often resolve issues at the first point of contact, preventing them from escalating to higher levels. This translates to quicker resolutions for customers and reduced workload for senior support staff.

  • Improved Brand Reputation: In today's digital age, word travels fast. Positive customer experiences on social media and review platforms can significantly boost a brand's reputation. A company that consistently delivers exceptional 24/7 support is bound to win hearts (and positive online reviews).

  • Increased Operational Efficiency: While the initial investment in training might seem like a cost, the long-term benefits outweigh the initial expense. By resolving issues quickly and preventing escalations, a technically proficient team can improve overall operational efficiency.

The bottom line?  24/7 technical expertise in frontline support isn't just a customer perk; it's a strategic investment that pays dividends for both customer satisfaction and a company's bottom line.

A Brighter Frontline Future

As technology becomes more intricate and customer expectations continue to rise, technical expertise will become an even more critical differentiator in frontline support. Companies that prioritize equipping their teams with in-depth product knowledge, troubleshooting skills, and a constant thirst for learning will be the ones who thrive.

Investing in ongoing training programs, embracing future technologies like AI-powered diagnostics, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement are all essential steps in building a future-proof frontline support team. Remember, your frontline staff are the face of your brand – empower them with technical expertise, and watch them become customer service heroes.

So, the next time a customer picks up the phone or reaches out for support, let their experience be one of empowerment, not frustration.  Let technical expertise be the bridge that connects them to a positive resolution, fostering brand loyalty and building a foundation for long-term customer success.

If this post has convinced you about the importance of technical expertise in frontline support, then check out HelptNow. This service embodies all the positive characteristics described here and can bring your service offering to new heights.

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Brian Yu Brian Yu

Helpt Redefines the Standard of Technical Support with the Introduction of HelptNow

HelptNow, a new 24/7 US-based live answering service from Helpt, ensures your customers receive immediate assistance from technicians with deep knowledge and empathy. This, along with HelptTech and HelptFul, is transforming the way businesses deliver technical support.

Customers have increasingly high standards, so businesses need to stay proactive with their offerings. Round-the-clock support has become a standard rather than a luxury, and businesses are expected to deliver high quality service at all times. Understanding this critical need, Helpt has created HelptNow, a 24/7 US-based live answering service, as part of a new lineup aimed at redefining the standard of technical support. Alongside HelptTech and HelptFul, HelptNow is set to transform the way businesses support their end-users, ensuring access to immediate assistance backed by deep technical knowledge and empathy. Each service addresses distinct facets of technical support needs by ensuring that end-users receive not just timely assistance, but solutions rooted in deep technical knowledge and understanding.

HelptNow: Elevating the Standard for 24/7 Support

HelptNow is a 24/7 USA-based technical live answering service that goes beyond traditional call answering. Typically, call answering services involve a non-technical agent merely filling out a form. This approach creates frustrated clients, delayed resolutions, and a disconnection between the client's needs and the business’s response capabilities. HelptNow is staffed by technically proficient individuals who provide intelligent triaging in addition to expertise and empathy. This level of technical insight at the first point of contact significantly enhances a bussiness's credibility.

Technical Expertise on the Front Line: HelptNow operators are equipped with technical knowledge, allowing them to understand and triage issues effectively, making businesses appear more legitimate and prepared in the eyes of their clients.

Emergency Escalation and Intelligent Triaging: With the capability to handle up to 15 minutes of intelligent triaging, HelptNow ensures that urgent issues are escalated promptly, aligning with the business's protocols.

24/7/365 US-Based Support: HelptNow's round-the-clock, US-based service guarantees that clients always have access to support when they need it most. This commitment to availability significantly boosts customer satisfaction by ensuring help that speaks their language is always just a call away.

HelptTech: Specialized Support When It Matters Most

HelptTech offers a tier-1 managed helpdesk service that acts as a direct extension of a business's team. With HelptTech, businesses gain access to a team of specialists capable of troubleshooting, diagnosis, and resolution. This service is designed for businesses looking to scale their capabilities without compromising on the quality of technical support.

Seamless Integration with Your Ticketing System: HelptTech works directly out of your existing systems, ensuring a smooth workflow and consistent service experience for your clients.

Comprehensive T1 Support: Staffed by professionals with 1-3 years of experience, HelptTech addresses a wide range of T1 support needs, from OS management to security remediation.

Continuity and Efficiency: HelptTech handles overflow during peak times and provides a reliable safety net that allows your techs to take necessary time off without compromising your business's operational efficiency. 

HelptFul: The Ultimate T1 Helpdesk Solution

HelptFul offers a robust, comprehensive, and scalable solution for managing Tier-1 support. It stands out as the ideal choice for businesses looking to enhance their First Contact Resolution (FCR) capabilities or seeking a reliable substitute for their existing helpdesk. HelptFul stands out by taking complete incident and request ownership, ensuring that each client's needs are met with precision and care.

Deep Technical Expertise: HelptFul staff bring 2-5 years of experience, excelling in areas such as AAD, O365, and various collaboration technologies. This expertise ensures that agents strive to handle the entirety of each issue, minimizing the need for escalation.

Expert Call Answering: Every call is an opportunity for resolution, not just a step towards it. HelptFul ensures that clients are greeted by someone capable of initiating the solution process from the first hello.

Seamlessly Integrated Real-Time Solutions: HelptFul distinguishes itself by integrating with your systems and your team, communicating in real-time with both your customers and your team members. This approach ensures the quickest possible path to resolution is always taken.

A Unified Vision for MSP Support Excellence

Helpt's suite of services—HelptNow, HelptTech, and HelptFul—represents a comprehensive approach to technical support. All Helpt agents tackle the spectrum of technical and operational challenges with a blend of expertise, efficiency, and empathy. Whether it's offering 24/7 human-centric support through HelptNow, specialized T1 helpdesk services via HelptTech, or the deep-dive troubleshooting prowess of HelptFul, Helpt empowers MSPs to deliver exceptional service while scaling their operations effectively.

In partnering with Helpt, businesses are not just outsourcing support; they're elevating their service portfolio and reinforcing their commitment to customer satisfaction and technical excellence. Welcome to the new standard in technical support, powered by human connection, technical expertise, and commitment to providing high-quality service around-the-clock.

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Brian Yu Brian Yu

Stop Tool Creep in Its Tracks: How to Choose the Perfect Tools for Your MSP

Drowning in a sea of MSP tools? Don't fall victim to tool creep! This post equips you with a framework for choosing business-friendly tools that streamline workflows, boost profitability, and simplify your MSP. We'll also explore free vs. paid options to ensure you make the most cost-effective decision.

Do you ever find yourself sitting at your computer for hours at a time looking for the perfect tool for your business? Do you scroll through Reddit thread after Reddit thread, occasionally supplementing your search with some YouTube videos and top 50 lists written by a company that wants to take your money? You're not alone. Nowadays there's a solution for every minor inconvenience, but finding the "right" tool for your Managed Service Provider (MSP) business can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. You probably gravitate towards the tool that has the longest list of features and the prettiest solutions page. However, what you truly need are business-friendly tools that streamline your workflows, boost profitability, and most importantly, keep things simple. So, ditch the tool creep, and let’s discover how you can find the tools that will take your MSP to the next level!

The Problem: Tool Creep and Unfriendly Choices

A term you may have heard of is feature creep, which is the result of a product team adding so many features that the product ends up becoming too complicated or confusing. An example that we may all be familiar with is early versions of Microsoft Word that were packed with so many options that it became exceedingly difficult to use. Sometimes you can eat too much ice cream, and this applies to choosing business-friendly tools for your MSP as well. 

Here's a common scenario: You discover a tool with cutting-edge features for remote monitoring. It seems perfect! But upon closer inspection, you realize it doesn't integrate with your existing ticketing system, forcing you to juggle multiple platforms and creating a data silo. Additionally, the implementation requires extensive training for your technicians, further straining your resources. This "good" tool has just become a drain on your time, money, and overall efficiency.

This phenomenon, known as tool creep, is a major pitfall for many MSPs. You might find yourself accumulating a collection of tools that are technically proficient, but ultimately create more complexity and drive up costs. 

The Solution: Choosing Business-Friendly Tools

So let’s take a Marie Kondo approach to your toolbox and find what tools really spark joy! Let’s start with a question and a definition: what exactly defines a "business-friendly" tool? The simple answer: they save you time and money by making your life easier and more productive. These tools go beyond impressive features and seamlessly integrate with your existing workflow, boosting efficiency and profitability.

Cost-Effectiveness: They fit your budget and provide a clear return on investment (ROI). Free tools might seem tempting initially, but consider the hidden costs of limited features, security risks, and lack of support.

Seamless Integrations: They integrate flawlessly with your existing tools like ticketing systems and remote monitoring platforms. This eliminates data silos, reduces manual data entry, and streamlines your workflows.

Simplified Workflows: They are intuitive and easy to use, minimizing training time for your technicians and allowing them to focus on core tasks.

Scalability: They can grow alongside your business, adapting to your evolving needs and client base.

Now that we’ve defined the characteristics, let’s go over a step-by-step approach to choosing business-friendly tools for your MSP:

  1. Identify your needs and goals: Before diving into the vast pool of options, take a step back and identify your specific business needs and goals. What are your biggest challenges? What tasks do you want to automate?

  2. Evaluate tools based on alignment: Once you understand your needs, evaluate potential tools based on how well they align with your goals. Look beyond flashy features and prioritize user experience, integration capabilities, and ease of use.

  3. Embrace the "single pane of glass": Strive for tools that offer a "single pane of glass" view of your entire MSP operation. This allows you to manage all your clients and workflows from a central location, saving time and minimizing errors.

  4. Consider the total cost of ownership: Don't be fooled by a low upfront price. Consider the entire cost of ownership, including implementation fees, ongoing subscription costs, and any additional training required.

  5. Research and compare: Don't just take a vendor's word for it. Read user reviews, research case studies, and compare features before making a decision.

By following this framework, you can ensure you're choosing tools that empower your MSP, not hinder it.

Invest in Success, Not Just Features

Choosing the correct MSP tools can be overwhelming, but remember: you're not buying features, you're investing in the success of your business. By prioritizing business-friendly tools that simplify workflows, integrate seamlessly, and deliver a clear ROI, you can free up your team's time, boost efficiency, and ultimately, empower your MSP to reach its full potential. Don't get caught up in the trap of feature creep.  Follow the steps outlined above,  measure the impact of potential tools, and choose solutions that spark joy by making your life easier and your MSP more profitable.

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Brian Yu Brian Yu

Mastering SLA’s and SLO’s: Dicaprio’s Wedding

The key to setting effective SLO's is balancing ambition with realism. Imagine promising a cake made of 24 karat gold – detailed, measurable, and focused, but ultimately impractical. Your SLO's should be challenging yet achievable, pushing your team for high-quality service while remaining grounded in reality. Analyze past performance data – if you've built complex cakes before, you can confidently set an SLO to deliver similar creations.


A wise man once said: “Set low expectations and you will never be let down”. Now this doesn’t necessarily apply to how you should run your business, but the core philosophy still shines. You don’t want to over-promise, and you always want to ensure you deliver to the standard you set. In the world of business relationships, you need to set realistic SLA’s (service level agreements) and SLO’s (service level objectives).

In this article, we are going to imagine that you are a successful wedding planner for the stars, and up-and-coming actor Leonardo Dicaprio hires you to plan his wedding. He wants the theme of his special day to be based on his hit move “The Wolf of Wall Street”, so buckle up and get ready to see how this wedding translates into the world of SLA’s and SLO’s! We'll break down the technical details to show how they work together to create a recipe for service success.

Designing Effective SLAs

Crafting an effective SLA starts with a deep understanding of the client's unique needs and preferences. Leonardo Dicaprio is a very particular man with some very particular tastes. His preferences for his wedding cake, performances, and guest list are as outlandish as his titular character: Jordan Belfort. They are non-negotiable and must be met with precision. Similarly, in the world of service agreements, each client comes with their own set of unique requirements and expectations.

An SLA should explicitly define the scope of services, performance standards, and deliverables. Clear, measurable, and specific terms help in avoiding any ambiguities that could lead to misunderstandings or disappointments. Jordan Belfort did not hesitate to fire any employee who did not live up to his lofty standards, and Mr. Dicaprio will have the same initiative. Each detail down to the age of the Qualuudes will be noted. 

Setting Realistic SLO’s

Following the crafting of an effective SLA comes setting realistic Service Level Objectives (SLO’s). Let’s continue with the wedding example. Leo, as he requested we call him, requested a cake to be made from 24 karat gold, the exact model of the car from the infamous qualuudes scene, and a musical performance by Jonah Hill. These are akin to SLO’s in a business context: detailed, measurable, and focused aspects within the broader agreement of the SLA.

The key to setting effective SLO’s is balancing ambition with realism. Just as you wouldn't promise a drug that hasn’t been in production for over 2 decades, or a cake design that shines but is inedible, your SLO’s should be challenging yet achievable. They must push your team to deliver high-quality service, but also be grounded in operational reality. Using past performance data as a benchmark can be incredibly helpful here. If you've successfully created multi-tiered cakes in the past, you can confidently set an SLO to deliver similarly complex cake.

The Big Day: Monitoring and Measuring Performance, Training and Team Involvement

The wedding doesn’t just happen with the snap of a finger; it's a culmination of meticulous planning, monitoring, and team effort. In the context of service delivery and the wedding, this phase represents the critical period where SLO’s come to life, and the effectiveness of our preparation is tested.

Pre-Wedding: Preparing and Training the Team

Before the wedding, it's all about preparation and training. Just as a team of bakers, decorators, and coordinators would rehearse and prepare every detail of the wedding cake, your team must be well-versed in the SLA’s requirements. Training is crucial. You must ensure that each team member is on the same page and that they have the proper skills and training to handle the individual SLO’s. Conduct simulations or review scenarios that might arise during service delivery, much like your baker experimenting with different designs or ingredients, or preparing a Jonah Hill look-alike in case the real deal doesn’t pull through.

This stage also involves setting up systems for monitoring performance. Establish metrics and benchmarks based on the SLA and ensure that tools for tracking these metrics are in place.

During the Wedding: Real-Time Monitoring and Adaptability

The wedding represents the live phase of service delivery. Here, real-time monitoring is vital. Just as the wedding planner would keep an eye on every aspect of the event, your team should continuously monitor service performance against the set SLOs. If any issues arise, quick and effective response is key. This could mean adapting to unexpected changes or solving unforeseen problems, much like how Mr. Belfort had plans for when the police came to shut his whole operation down.

Having a well-trained team pays off during this phase. They’re able to make swift decisions and take actions that align with the predetermined SLOs and overall goals of the SLA. This ensures that the service remains seamless and efficient, mirroring the smooth execution of a well-planned wedding.

Post-Wedding: Review and Feedback

After the wedding, the focus shifts to review and feedback, akin to the post-event evaluation of Leo’s wedding. Analyze the performance data collected during the service delivery. Did your team meet all the SLOs? Where were the gaps, if any? This evaluation is essential for continuous improvement.

Gather feedback from all stakeholders – just as you would seek opinions from guests and the newlyweds about the cake. This feedback, combined with performance data, offers valuable insights for future SLA adjustments and training needs.

Training and team involvement are not just about executing tasks; they are about creating a culture of continuous improvement, accountability, and excellence. Just as every member of the wedding planning team plays a role in the success of the event, each member of your service delivery team contributes to the successful fulfillment of the SLA and SLOs.

In conclusion, 'The Big Day' – be it Leonardo DiCaprio's wedding or the live phase of an SLA – is a testament to the effectiveness of your preparation, training, monitoring, and adaptability. It’s an opportunity to showcase your team's ability to deliver outstanding service and create a memorable experience for the client.

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Brian Yu Brian Yu

MSP Game Changers: Mastering the Soft Factors that Matter

Just like in Dungeons & Dragons, where even the most powerful character needs a supportive party and strategic decision-making, technical expertise alone won't guarantee success in the world of Managed Service Providers (MSPs). Often overlooked, soft factors – the intangible qualities shaping your company culture, communication, and adaptability – act as the hidden dice rolls that can significantly impact your journey.

This blog delves into the power of soft factors, exploring how they translate into tangible results for your MSP. We'll equip you with valuable strategies to cultivate these crucial elements, transforming your team from a lone warrior into a champion party, ready to conquer the ever-evolving IT landscape.

We’re going to start this blog post with a heavy dose of nerdy: place yourself back to when you played your last Japanese roleplaying game or Dungeons and Dragons. Your meticulously crafted character, equipped with powerful spells and enchanted weapons, ventured forth alongside a trusted party. But we nerds know that even the most optimized character sheet can't guarantee success. You need:

A cohesive party: Reliable companions who understood their roles and worked together seamlessly.

Strategic decision-making: The ability to assess situations, plan your actions, and adapt to unforeseen circumstances.

A dash of adaptability: The flexibility to adjust your approach and overcome unexpected obstacles.

Just like in D&D, success in the world of Managed Service Providers (MSPs) goes beyond technical expertise. Buckle up and discover the hidden "soft factors" that can make your MSP a true game changer.

The Power of the Invisible: Defining Soft Factors in MSPs

Let’s start with a definition: soft factors encompass a range of intangible qualities that influence an MSP's overall success. They are the invisible threads that weave together a strong company culture, foster effective teamwork, and empower your team to navigate the ever-changing IT landscape. According to SHRM, “Technical proficiency may get workers in the door, but soft skills foster the flexibility and agility to keep them in the building”. Here are some key soft factors that deserve your attention:

Company Culture: This is the foundation of your organization, encompassing shared values, beliefs, and behaviors that shape the work environment. A positive and collaborative culture fosters trust, motivates employees, and attracts top talent.

Teamwork and Communication: Effective communication and collaboration are essential for any successful team. This includes clear and concise communication within the team and strong interpersonal skills when dealing with clients.

Adaptability and Problem-Solving: The IT landscape is constantly evolving, and unexpected challenges are inevitable. Fostering a culture of adaptability and innovative problem-solving empowers your team to navigate these challenges and find effective solutions. An article from Forbes suggests that teams should do brainstorming exercises to view problems from every possible angle, carefully evaluating pros and cons

Client Communication and Relationship Building: Building strong relationships with clients goes beyond delivering technical expertise. It requires active listening, clear communication, and the ability to build trust and rapport.

Leadership and Decision-Making: Strong leadership is critical for guiding your team toward success. Effective leaders set clear goals, motivate their team, and make strategic decisions that benefit the organization. Here are some ways you can identify potential leadership qualities in your team.

The Game-Changing Impact of Soft Factors

In D&D having the most powerful character, party, skills, and tools are not enough to guarantee success. In the world of MSPs, people can struggle without a supportive party, strategic decision-making, and technical expertise. The seemingly intangible elements – the soft factors – act as the hidden dice rolls that can significantly impact your journey. Let's explore how these factors translate into tangible results for your MSP, transforming you from a lone warrior to a champion party:

Hiring and Onboarding: A strong company culture attracts and retains top talent, reducing recruitment and onboarding costs.

Client Communication: Effective communication fosters trust and reduces misunderstandings, leading to smoother client relationships and increased customer satisfaction.

Project Management: Adaptability helps teams navigate unexpected challenges, meet deadlines, and deliver projects successfully.

Sales and Marketing: Strong communication skills and a positive company image play a crucial role in attracting new clients and growing your business.

Strategies for Cultivating Winning Soft Factors

Like any good game guide, we have now reached the part of the document that will give you some of the cheat codes to get a leg up in this unpredictable MSP world. Let’s dive into some of these strategies:

Building a Positive Company Culture:

  • Foster open communication and encourage employee feedback.

  • Recognize and reward employee achievements.

  • Promote a healthy work-life balance and encourage employee well-being.

  • Organize team-building activities to build camaraderie and collaboration.

Enhancing Communication & Teamwork:

  • Implement clear communication channels and protocols.

  • Encourage active listening and respectful dialogue within the team.

  • Invest in communication skills training for your team.

  • Utilize collaboration tools and platforms to facilitate communication and project management.

Fostering Adaptability & Problem-Solving:

  • Encourage a growth mindset and continuous learning within your team.

  • Implement process improvement initiatives and embrace innovative solutions.

  • Empower your team to take ownership of problems and find solutions.

  • Conduct regular brainstorming sessions to explore new ideas and approaches.

Sharpening Leadership & Decision-Making Skills:

  • Provide leadership development opportunities for your team members.

  • Encourage open communication and feedback, allowing them to contribute to decision-making processes.

  • Lead by example and demonstrate strong ethical values.

  • Invest in leadership training programs to refine decision-making skills.

Call to Action

So even if you have never played D&D, I hope that this example has given you a clearer picture of the soft factors that can drive success or failure in the realm of MSPs. The analogy isn't just about fun and games; it's a powerful reminder that success in the world of MSPs hinges on more than just technical prowess. By mastering these "soft factors," you equip your team with the essential skills and mindset to navigate the ever-changing IT landscape.

So, what's your next move?

Assess your team's strengths and weaknesses: Identify areas where your MSP can improve its company culture, communication, and adaptability.

Develop a personalized game plan: Implement strategies to cultivate these crucial soft factors based on your team's specific needs.

Embrace continuous improvement: As your MSP grows and evolves, so too should your approach to soft factors. Regularly assess your progress and adapt your strategies as needed.

Remember: In the ever-evolving world of IT, cultivating strong soft factors isn't just a bonus; it's the key to unlocking long-term success and establishing yourself as a true game changer in the MSP arena.

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Brian Yu Brian Yu

Data-Driven Decision Making: The Differentiator

Remember Ugg & Ogg and their rock-based business? While intuition served them in the Stone Age, today's data-rich landscape demands a more sophisticated approach. Enter data-driven decision making (DDDM), the key to unlocking strategic insights and navigating the business jungle with confidence. Forget guesswork and costly mistakes – DDDM empowers you to make informed choices backed by hard evidence, giving you a competitive edge in today's fast-paced world.

Significance of Data-Driven Decision Making

Do you trust your gut? Are you the kind of person who operates by “feel”, and then complains when the results don’t match the forecast? We at Helpt feel your frustration and we have a solution for you: data-driven decision making (DDDM). Thos methodology illustrates a move away from intuition-based decisions towards those that rely on hard, analytic data. This blog post will illustrate the basics of DDDM, tracing the transition from traditional decision-making approaches to the data-centric ones in place today. But let’s first start with a story that may speak to your caveman-like tendencies.

A Quick Story About Rocks

In the dawn of business - think Stone Age era - decisions were made in a manner that might seem almost comical to us now. Imagine Ugg & Ogg's Rock Innovations, a fictional Stone Age startup. Their product line included various rock-based tools inspired by their personal affinity for rocks. Ugg and Ogg based their business decisions on gut feelings and personal experiences. When Ugg dropped a rock on his foot, he screamed in pain, and then inspiration hit: it could be used as a weight! They introduced the multi-purpose rock weight and showed its utility to all their caveman and cavewoman friends. Ogg, believing bigger was better, advocated for oversized boulders for every task. 

The two of them kept creating bigger and bigger rocks, with each new model delighting them to no end. One day while they were taking inventory of their rock store, they realized that they had run out of money and all they had was their giant rocks. They both gasped and ran outside only to be greeted with the horrible sight of the whole town waving around their small and sleek iron tools. Ugg and Ogg sullenly retreated into their store (cave) and commiserated about their failed business. They vowed that they would do things differently next time, even with the strong allure of rocks that was always present in their hearts. 

The Rise of Big Data in Business

So what’s the lesson to this story? In Ugg and Ogg’s day, they had big rocks. Today, we have big data. The term "big data" refers to datasets that contain more variety, arrive in increasing volumes and with greater velocity (the three V’s of Big Data). This data comes from various sources, including social media, transaction records, and IoT devices, offering a goldmine of insights for those who can harness it. In this landscape, DDDM has become a critical tool for businesses looking to navigate the information overload and make sense of the vast data at their disposal. However, even with a near-infinite amount of data, businesses still need to figure out what to do with it. Like the great philosopher Stan Lee, Uncle Ben, or Voltaire?, said, with great power comes great responsibility, so let’s see how we can leverage this power to fuel our business decisions. 

Data Analytics: The Key to Unlocking Big Data's Potential

Before we dive into the realm of Data-Driven Decision Making, it's essential to understand the role of data analytics. This field is the bridge between the vast expanse of big data and its practical, impactful use in business decisions. Data analytics involves examining, cleaning, transforming, and modeling data to discover useful information, inform conclusions, and support decision-making. In an era where data is abundant, the ability to distill this data into meaningful insights is invaluable.

Types of Data Analytics

Descriptive Analytics: This type looks at past data to understand what has happened in a business. It's the foundation of data analysis, involving the use of key performance indicators (KPIs) and other metrics.

Diagnostic Analytics: Moving a step further, diagnostic analytics seeks to understand why something happened. It involves more in-depth data mining and correlations.

Predictive Analytics: This type uses statistical models and forecast techniques to understand the future. It's a forward-looking approach, making educated guesses based on historical data.

Prescriptive Analytics: The most advanced form, prescriptive analytics, suggests actions you can take to affect desired outcomes. It's about using data not just to predict what might happen, but to chart a course for the future.

Bridging to DDDM

The insights derived from data analytics are the lifeblood of DDDM. This equips businesses to make decisions that are proactive and strategic instead of just reactive. Ugg and Ogg would have realized that making bigger rocks wouldn’t be the solution to all their problems earlier, saving them time, money, and grief. Therefore, the next step is to understand how these insights can be systematically applied to decision-making processes in a business context.

The Advent of Data-Driven Decision Making

At its essence, DDDM is the practice of basing decisions on the analysis of data, rather than solely on intuition or observation. Albert Einstein (probably?) said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Businesses have access to worlds of data in addition to the information that they collect – be it customer interactions, market trends, or internal processes – so they have no excuse for repeating the same mistakes over and over. DDDM stands as the foundation of clear and differentiated decision-making, and it allows businesses to make informed decisions based on data.

Why DDDM Matters

Informed Decisions: With DDDM, businesses can make choices that are backed by empirical evidence, reducing the risk of costly mistakes and guesswork.

Strategic Advantage: Companies employing DDDM have a competitive edge. They can identify trends, predict outcomes, and respond to market changes with agility and confidence.

Customer Insights: DDDM enables businesses to understand their customers better, tailoring services and products to meet evolving needs and preferences.

Operational Efficiency: By analyzing data on operational processes, companies can identify inefficiencies and optimize their workflows for better productivity and cost savings.

The Process of DDDM

Data Collection: Gathering relevant data from diverse sources, including internal databases, social media, and customer feedback.

Data Processing and Analysis: Utilizing advanced tools to sift through data, identifying patterns, correlations, and insights.

Actionable Insights: Transforming data analysis into practical strategies, from marketing campaigns to product development.

Continuous Learning: DDDM is not a one-off exercise but a continuous process, adapting and evolving as new data emerges.

Measuring the Impact of Data-Driven Decision Making

All of this is well and good, but how can we measure the impact of DDDM? We do this by establishing and measuring key performance indicators (KPIs). Measuring the results not only validates the implementation of DDDM but also paves the way for ongoing improvements. Establishing KPIs and utilizing data analytics are fundamental in this process.

Establishing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Improved Decision Accuracy: One primary measure is the accuracy of decisions. For instance, analyzing the success rate of various initiatives, like marketing campaigns or new product launches, can provide insights.

Operational Efficiency: Evaluate the impact on operational processes. Look for changes in the time and resources required for decision-making and any improvements in workflow efficiency.

Customer Satisfaction: Monitor changes in customer feedback and satisfaction levels. Improved customer responses can indicate the successful application of data-driven insights, especially in product development and customer service.

Financial Performance: Key financial metrics such as revenue growth, cost savings, and return on investment (ROI) are crucial. An uptick in financial performance can often be linked to strategic, data-informed decisions.

Market Position: Assess shifts in market share or competitive positioning. Improvements in these areas can signal the effectiveness of DDDM in driving business growth and competitive advantage.

Embracing the Future of Decision Making

We have come a long way from the Stone Age simplicity of Ugg and Ogg’s decision-making based on intuition and personal experience, through the era of big data, and into the nuanced realm of Data-Driven Decision Making (DDDM). DDDM, backed by the powerful tools of data analytics, offers a strategic advantage in today's data-rich business environment. It equips organizations with the ability to make informed decisions, optimize operations, and enhance customer satisfaction.

Yet, our exploration into the vast world of data and decision-making doesn't end here. In future discussions, we will dive deeper into cutting-edge topics that are reshaping the way businesses leverage data for strategic decisions:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Decision Making: We will explore how AI is being integrated into business processes to provide deeper insights, automate complex decision-making tasks, and transform data into actionable strategies.

The Role of Machine Learning: Understanding how machine learning algorithms can analyze historical data to predict future trends and outcomes, thereby enhancing the predictive and prescriptive capabilities of DDDM.

Advanced Analytics and Big Data Technologies: Delving into more sophisticated analytics tools and technologies that are pushing the boundaries of what's possible in data analysis and decision-making.

Ethical Considerations in DDDM: As we rely more on data and AI, the importance of addressing ethical concerns such as data privacy, bias in decision-making algorithms, and the responsible use of AI will be a key focus.

The Human Element in a Data-Driven World: Balancing data insights with human intuition and creativity, ensuring that decision-making remains grounded in human values and ethical principles.

Industry-Specific Applications: We'll look at how different industries are applying DDDM, AI, and machine learning to solve unique challenges and create innovative solutions.

Emerging Trends and Future Predictions: Keeping an eye on the horizon, we'll discuss emerging trends in data science and analytics, and make predictions about how they will influence future business strategies.

The world of DDDM is dynamic and ever-evolving, and staying ahead means continually learning and adapting. We invite you to join us in these forthcoming explorations, as we delve deeper into these exciting and transformative topics, uncovering new ways to harness the power of data for strategic decision-making.

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Brian Yu Brian Yu

The Crucial Role of Ticket Notes in Tech Support

Discover the art of effective ticket noting with our latest blog, 'How to Add Ticket Notes the Helpt Way'. Dive into the crucial role of ticket notes in tech support and learn how to enhance customer retention and satisfaction. Master the four essential steps of ticket noting - from accurately identifying who is reporting the issue to outlining the next steps for a comprehensive resolution. Our guide emphasizes the importance of clarity, consistency, and the transformative power of analysis, turning every customer interaction into an opportunity for exceptional service. Perfect for IT professionals and customer support teams, this blog is your go-to resource for elevating your tech support strategy and ensuring a positive customer experience. Join us at Helpt and transform your approach to tech support with effective ticket noting.

I am about to describe a situation that I’m 99% positive that you have experienced before. You had some issue with a product, you picked up the phone and dialed the customer support line, you explained your situation to the first agent, they didn’t know the answer so they sent you to another agent, you explain the situation again, rinse and repeat until eventually, someone gives you answer. Ideally, this is where the story ends, but nope! The solution didn't work, so you had to pick up the phone again and go through the whole song and dance of explaining, transferring, and waiting. This hypothetical company doesn’t take ticket notes and it ends up wasting your time and patience. 

In the world of tech support, the ability to effectively manage customer interactions is pivotal. Putting your customers through the ringer just to solve a simple issue leads to frustration, time wasted, and potential dollars lost. At the core of this management lies a seemingly small but significant element – ticket notes. These simple notes explain who handled the ticket, what the problem was, what steps were taken to solve the issue, and what possible next steps need to be taken. These notes are not just mere annotations; they are powerful tools that can significantly enhance customer retention and satisfaction. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore "How to Add Ticket Notes the Helpt Way," a method that combines efficiency, clarity, and a deep understanding of customer needs.

Mastering the Art of Ticket Noting in Tech Support

Clarity and Consistency are King

Before delving into the tools and processes that enable effective ticket noting, it's crucial to understand why clarity and consistency are indispensable. A clear and consistent approach in documenting each customer interaction ensures that any team member can effortlessly pick up where their colleague left off. This level of detail in ticket notes is not just beneficial for a smooth customer experience; it's vital for teams to continuously analyze and improve their support processes. Maintaining a high standard of clarity and consistency in ticket notes fosters a culture of understanding and responsiveness, enhancing the quality of customer support.

But what exactly do we mean when we talk about clarity and consistency in ticket noting? Imagine it as crafting a consistent framework within which the unique details of each ticket are handled. Think of it as a rhythm – each ticket dances to a different tune, yet the steps remain the same. Here's the four-step dance every agent should master: identifying who is raising the issue, delineating what the problem is, detailing the actions taken to address it, and outlining the next steps. Adhering to these steps with unwavering consistency not only dispels confusion but also guides you smoothly towards the promised land of efficient customer support.

The Power of Analysis

Merely recording ticket notes is the beginning, not the end. The true power of these notes lies in regular analysis, a process that turns raw data into actionable insights. This ongoing scrutiny is not just a formality; it's a critical tool in uncovering patterns in customer issues, identifying inefficiencies in support tactics, and pinpointing areas ripe for improvement. By diving deep into these notes, you can transform ordinary customer interactions into a goldmine of information, enabling you to refine support strategies and elevate the overall quality of service.

This proactive approach does more than just resolve immediate problems. It paves the way for crafting long-term solutions, often preempting issues before they escalate. For instance, if analysis reveals a frequent issue with a product, preemptive steps such as updating FAQs, creating helpful tutorials, or even modifying the product can be taken. This not only reduces the volume of future support tickets but also significantly boosts customer satisfaction.

Moreover, analyzing ticket notes can lead to targeted training for support staff. By understanding the common challenges customers face, training can be tailored to equip staff with the right tools and knowledge, making them more adept at handling these scenarios. This ensures that your team doesn’t just respond to issues but anticipates and addresses them efficiently.

Direct Impact on Customer Satisfaction

At the end of the day, the goal of technical support is to alleviate burdens on your customers. Ticket notes form the foundation of customer satisfaction, and it allows you to provide the best possible service in an efficient and consistent manner. People hate calling for help, so you go into every interaction with the potential to be a make-or-break moment. The precision and thoroughness of ticket notes are more than administrative tasks; they are key contributors to customer contentment.

When ticket notes are accurate and comprehensive, they serve as a reliable record of each customer’s journey. This meticulous documentation ensures that customers are spared the frustration of repeating their issues with every new interaction. Remember the example we discussed in the beginning: don’t put your customers through that cycle of frustration. Give them the experience they deserve by aligning everyone on your support team. Customers feel valued and respected when they see that their time and their issues are taken seriously. It's a reassuring signal that they are not just another ticket number in the system, but individuals with unique problems seeking solutions.

Moreover, well-maintained ticket notes can significantly reduce resolution times. With a comprehensive history at their fingertips, support agents can quickly get up to speed and offer targeted solutions without unnecessary back-and-forth. This efficiency not only improves the customer's immediate experience but also leaves a lasting impression of competence and professionalism, enhancing their overall perception of the brand.

Finally, the impact of effective ticket noting on customer satisfaction reverberates beyond individual interactions. It contributes to a broader culture of quality service within the organization. When support teams see the positive results of their detailed noting, it reinforces the value of their diligence and attention to detail, creating a virtuous cycle of continuous improvement in customer support.


In the intricate tapestry of tech support, the threads of ticket notes weave together a narrative that is far more than just a record of customer interactions. They are the lifeblood of an efficient, empathetic, and effective support system. As we've navigated through the various facets of ticket noting, from the imperative of clarity and consistency to the transformative power of analysis, one thing stands crystal clear: the way we handle, analyze, and utilize these notes is not just a procedural step; it's a strategic decision with far-reaching implications.

The journey through ticket noting is one of continuous evolution and improvement. As tech support professionals, our goal is not just to solve problems but to anticipate needs, to not just respond to queries but to forge lasting relationships. In this journey, ticket notes are our compass, guiding us towards a deeper understanding of our customers and enabling us to tailor our services to meet their evolving expectations.

So, as we conclude this exploration, let's embrace the principles and practices of effective ticket noting. Let's commit to using these insights not just to respond to the present but to shape a future where every customer interaction is an opportunity to demonstrate our dedication to excellence in support. In doing so, we don't just solve technical issues; we build trust, loyalty, and a reputation for unparalleled customer care.

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Brian Yu Brian Yu

Tech Tales: David at CES

As I wandered through the labyrinth of Tech East, I couldn't help but marvel at the seamless blend of healthcare and high-tech. The MedTech booths were nothing short of a sci-fi fan's dream - health monitors so compact, they could make a fitness band look chunky, and diagnostic tools so advanced, they'd make Dr. House raise an eyebrow.

Day 1: First Impressions and Unexpected Delights

The day was finally here. CES 2024 had been on my mind for the majority of the year as I imagined myself venturing into the dry haze of the Las Vegas desert. It all felt rather hypnotic in a way, as a giant room filled with the promising inventions of tomorrow was all packed together while sand and sin mixed outside. As I embarked on my journey from sunny Southern California, driving my car eastward towards the future, my anticipation was palpable.

Arriving at my hotel, a delightful surprise from our friends at HP awaited me – a gift basket that was both thoughtful and timely. With a quick refuel, I was off to the convention center, my strategy for navigating CES now a refined art. I confidently clutched my fresh stack of business cards, ready to pitch my butt off. 

My first stop was the 'fancy booths' in the Tech East space. Here, amidst the buzz and excitement, were glimpses into the future: AR products that blurred the lines of reality, a pinball machine that echoed nostalgia, and gaming gadgets that promised endless entertainment. But beyond the glitz, the real heart of innovation lay in the more standard tech offerings - a testament to the creativity and ingenuity that CES is renowned for.

Evening approached with new friendships formed and strategies for the next day discussed. A brief internal debate over a game of blackjack ended in favor of a little fun – a well-deserved respite.

Day 2: The Marvels of MedTech and AI's Promise

With the first light of day came a fresh burst of energy. A younger me wouldn’t have dared face the 9 AM sun and everlasting lights of Las Vegas casinos, but the current me is on a mission. Venturing into the heart of 'Tech East' once more, I found myself in a corridor of wonders. The MedTech section was a revelation – an array of devices that seemed to leap straight out of science fiction. From compact health monitors to advanced diagnostic tools, each innovation was a step towards a future where technology and health seamlessly intertwine. I briefly imagined a future where I could sport a pair of shiny Nike-branded robotic legs that could efficiently whisk my 93-year-old body around CES 2075.

Speaking of utopian (dystopian?) futures, the AI zone was no less impressive. Here, the air buzzed with the potential of everyday objects. A bed equipped with AI promised not only comfort but also health insights, and cleaning devices hinted at a future where chores are less of a burden and more of a seamless part of life. The line between technology and daily living was blurred in the most fascinating ways.

That night the blackjack table beckoned again. Amidst the clatter of chips and the shuffle of cards, I met a fellow enthusiast whose luck turned dramatically for the better. As he amassed winnings, our conversation turned from casual banter to business potentials – a reminder of the unexpected networking opportunities that CES offers. I watched him turn his meager stack of chips into a war chest of riches, and it reminded me of my mission. I looked away from my lonely, short tower of chips to find my stack of business cards, ready to pitch to my newly wealthy friend. But before I could begin, he cashed out a richer man. “Thanks again man! You’re totally my lucky charm. Good luck the rest of the weekend!” I gave him a somewhat sad nod and grin and watched as he skipped away into the night.

“I’ll get him next time…”

Day 3: A Global Kaleidoscope and Unexpected Conversations

The third day of CES dawned with a sense of urgency and excitement. The Venetian Expo beckoned. Today each booth was like a portal to another world, showcasing the technological prowess and cultural uniqueness of various countries. Some of the booths I stopped at showcased some intriguing products such as an estate planning app that timed the release of important documents, and a nervous system regulating device. I considered demoing the latter as a little bit of nervous system regulation may have helped me with my pitches.

As I meandered through the expo, a smartwatch attachment for luxury watches caught my eye. This seemed rather fitting for a place like CES where money, innovation, and hunger fill the expansive expo hall. I watched on the sidelines where I thought I could differentiate easily between the starving young entrepreneurs dreaming and salivating about decking out their future Rolex with the newest gear, and the rich Rolex-wearing moguls shopping for their next toy. My stomach grumbled so I went to get a salad. 

Post-lunch I found myself in conversations where I started sharing stories about our services, subtly weaving in their relevance to this diverse audience. It was a dance of words and ideas, of potential partnerships and future collaborations. I started handing out business cards left and right, pitching my spiel to greater and greater effect when eventually it became second nature and beautifully refined. The amount of activity that transpired today led me to turn down the option of another night of potentially crushed hope and dreams at the blackjack table.I took the elevator up, counted my victories, and called it a night. 

Day 4: Homeward Bound with Reflections and Regrets

The final day at CES arrived too soon. An early meeting was the only thing on my agenda before my escape from the city of neon lights. I hit the road at the crack of dawn, the desert's chilly embrace a stark contrast to the warm buzz of the convention. As I drove, the early morning light painted the sky in hues of orange and pink, a quiet reminder of nature's beauty amidst our technological pursuits.

The drive back to Southern California was a time for reflection. My mind replayed the events of the past few days – the gadgets, the pitches, the near-misses at the blackjack table. "I should've pitched to that guy," I thought, a tinge of regret in my head But the road ahead was clear, and so was my mission. Next year, I vowed, I'd come back with even bigger plans and better pitches.

Final Thoughts: Sustainability and the AI Journey

CES 2024 was a beautiful mess of technological marvels and missed connections. I could have spent an eternity in those halls and in private meetings and I still wouldn’t have met all of my future connections. Additionally, the theme of sustainability that ran through the event resonated with me – a reminder that our technological advancements should walk hand-in-hand with our responsibility to the planet.

And while the AI showcase didn't quite blow my mind, it was a clear signal of a future where AI is not just a buzzword but a tangible, beneficial presence in our lives. I returned home not just with a bag full of swag and a mind buzzing with ideas, but with a renewed sense of purpose. The future of tech is bright, and I can't wait to be a part of it.

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Brian Yu Brian Yu

Embedded Help Desk vs. External IT Support: A Comparison

Choosing between an embedded help desk and external IT support is a crucial and difficult decision. Our comprehensive analysis dives into each model's benefits and challenges, highlighting the transformative journey of EZ Tek with Helpt. Discover which support model best aligns with your business for enhanced growth, efficiency, and customer satisfaction.


So you've decided to outsource your tech support? That's a smart decision! Perhaps the driving force behind this choice was your ambition to offer 24/7/365 support, a necessity in today's always-on world. Or maybe the decision was influenced by the high costs associated with hiring and maintaining a full-time, in-house IT staff. Outsourcing is a strategic move that aligns with the need for efficient, responsive support, crucial for sustaining customer satisfaction and staying competitive in a fast-paced market. However, not all outsourcing is created equal, and making the right decision for your business can be the difference between losing customers and maximizing customer satisfaction and profits.

Let’s keep it simple and break up “outsourcing” into two categories: external IT support, and embedded help desk. Navigating the choice between the two is more than a decision—it's a strategic move that can define the trajectory of your business. If you are a decision maker at a Managed Service Provider, a software vendor, or anything in between, you know that having great IT support is paramount to maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction and operational efficiency. 

This article dives deep into these two models, comparing their strengths and weaknesses and showcasing real-world implications through the case study of EZ Tek and Helpt. Whether you're a burgeoning startup or an established player, understanding the nuances of each model will empower you to make the most suitable choice for your unique business needs.

Understanding External IT Support

External IT support involves hiring an external company to handle technical support needs. This model has been a staple for many MSPs and software companies, primarily for its perceived cost-effectiveness and the ability to leverage external expertise. However, like any cost-saving purchase, there are definite pros and cons. Let’s dive in.

What is External IT support?

This model typically means that your tech support needs are managed by a provider who may not be located on your premises, often operating remotely. These providers range from local firms to global organizations, offering a wide spectrum of services from basic help desk support to comprehensive IT management.

Pros of External IT support

  • Cost Savings: One of the biggest draws is the potential for reduced overhead. Without the need for in-house staff, businesses can save on salaries, training, and benefits.

  • Scalability: Outsourcing allows for easy scaling of services based on your current needs, which is particularly advantageous for businesses with fluctuating demands.

  • Access to Diverse Expertise: Outsourced providers often have a broad range of skills and experience, which can be beneficial for handling a variety of technical issues.

Cons of External IT support

  • Communication Barriers: Remote support can sometimes lead to communication challenges, especially if there are cultural or time zone differences.

  • Less Personalized Service: Since the support team is not integrated within your company, they may lack a deep understanding of your specific business needs and culture.

  • Dependence on External Entities: Relying on an external organization can sometimes result in a lack of control over certain aspects of your IT support.

You Get What You Pay For

External IT support can be a valuable asset for companies looking for flexibility and a wide range of skills. However, the one-size-fits-all nature of many outsourced solutions may not align perfectly with the unique challenges and goals of MSPs and software companies. Often companies outsource to call centers in parts of the world where labor is cheap, which leads to large variances in the quality of service. 

Businesses that choose to outsource forgo the option to hand-pick and vet their support agents, which leads to a lack of transparency and consistency. They place their faith into the hands of external entities which can ultimately lead to experiences that fail to meet expectations. It's like choosing a cheap all-inclusive resort package, and when you get there you are met with dirty rooms and cold buffet food. 

In the next section, we’ll explore the idea of an embedded help desk and how it contrasts with the outsourced model, particularly in terms of integration, customization, and impact on business operations.

The Case for Embedded Help Desk

Embedded help desk represents a paradigm shift in how businesses manage their technical support needs. This model involves tech support professionals working as an integral part of your in-house team, offering tailored solutions that align closely with your business operations and culture.

Defining Embedded Help Desk

Embedded help desk means having IT professionals who are, in essence, part of your team, even if an external provider employs them. These specialists work alongside your staff, often onsite or through dedicated remote channels, and are deeply integrated into your business processes and goals.

Advantages of Embedded Help Desk

  • Enhanced Integration with Teams: Embedded support staff understand your business intimately, leading to more relevant and efficient solutions.

  • Improved Efficiency and Responsiveness: With a deep understanding of your specific systems and processes, embedded support can offer faster and more effective responses to technical issues.

  • Higher Customer Satisfaction: As embedded teams are more attuned to your business's nuances, they can provide personalized service, which often translates to better customer experiences.

  • Cost-Effectiveness Over Time: While potentially higher in initial cost than outsourced options, an embedded help desk can be more cost-effective in the long run due to its efficiency and effectiveness.

Challenges of Embedded Help Desk

  • Initial Setup and Integration: Integrating a new team into your existing operations can require time and effort, especially in the beginning.

  • Perceived Higher Costs: The upfront investment in an embedded help desk can be higher than traditional outsourcing, which might be a consideration for budget-conscious businesses.

Is an Embedded Help Desk Right for Your Business?

An embedded help desk is particularly beneficial for businesses that have specific, nuanced tech needs and a focus on building strong, long-term relationships with their customers. It is ideal for those who value a deep understanding of their business and a collaborative approach to problem-solving.

Choosing an embedded help desk over outsourcing to an external IT support group is like opting for a bespoke luxury travel experience instead of a one-size-fits-all vacation package. An embedded help desk allows businesses to be intimately involved in selecting and shaping their support team. This approach guarantees a level of transparency and consistency akin to having a dedicated guide who knows exactly what you need when you need it. It's like having a travel experience where every aspect is meticulously crafted to align with your preferences, ensuring satisfaction and exceeding expectations.

For businesses with distinct, nuanced tech needs and a commitment to building lasting customer relationships, an embedded help desk isn't just a choice; it's a strategic alignment. It ensures that your tech support is not just an external service, but a harmonious extension of your business, fully integrated and deeply understanding of your specific challenges and goals.

Embedded Help Desk in Action: A Real-World Perspective

The case of EZ Tek, as discussed in the introduction, perfectly illustrates the benefits of an embedded help desk. Before partnering with Helpt, EZ Tek’s President, Mark, faced bottlenecks in managing tech support. Transitioning to Helpt’s embedded support model not only alleviated these bottlenecks but also led to improved operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Key Changes and Benefits:

  • Team Integration: Helpt's professionals seamlessly integrate with EZ Tek, understanding their specific needs and culture.

  • Collaboration and Efficiency: With Helpt handling tech support, Mark, the President of EZ Tek, could focus on strategic business growth. This collaboration led to faster problem resolution and increased operational efficiency.

  • Customer Satisfaction: EZ Tek's clients experienced quicker and more effective support, significantly improving their satisfaction.

EZ Tek and Helpt are continually refining their collaboration, aiming for even smoother support and enhanced client experiences. This partnership showcases the transformative potential of embedded help desk in aligning with and advancing a company's goals. For more detailed insights into this case study, please visit our website and download the full case study.

Making the Right Choice for Your Business

Choosing the best tech support model hinges on several factors:

Business Size and Complexity: Smaller businesses or those with less complex needs might find external IT support sufficient. In contrast, larger businesses or those with specialized needs might benefit more from the bespoke approach of embedded help desk.

Long-term Business Goals: Consider your long-term objectives. If fostering strong, enduring customer relationships and having a tech support team that grows and evolves with your business are priorities, an embedded help desk could be the more strategic choice.

Budget Constraints: Evaluate your budget for both short-term and long-term perspectives. Outsourced support might seem more budget-friendly upfront, but embedded support's long-term efficiencies and benefits could offer greater ROI.

Cultural Fit and Team Dynamics: Assess the importance of having a support team that understands and fits well with your company culture. Embedded help desk provides an opportunity for a more cohesive and synergistic relationship.

In conclusion, while external IT support offers benefits like cost savings and scalability, an embedded help desk excels in providing tailored solutions, quick response times, and a deep understanding of your business. Consider the unique aspects of your MSP or software business to determine which model aligns best with your vision for growth, efficiency, and customer satisfaction.


In the realm of tech support, there's no one-size-fits-all solution. The choice between outsourced and embedded help desk hinges on a variety of factors, from the size and complexity of your business to your long-term objectives and budget considerations. As we've explored, while external IT support can offer cost savings and scalability, an embedded help desk stands out in providing tailored, efficient solutions and a deeper understanding of your business culture and goals. 

The transformative journey of EZ Tek with Helpt underscores the impact of choosing a model that aligns with your vision for growth and customer satisfaction. As you weigh your options, remember that the right tech support model is not just about solving problems—it's about unlocking potential, fostering relationships, and driving your business forward in today's ever-evolving technological landscape.

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Brian Yu Brian Yu

4 Reasons Why Software Vendors Need Exceptional Technical Support

Unlock the full potential of your software with the keystone of customer success: exceptional technical support. Discover the four pivotal reasons why top-notch technical assistance isn't just a service, but the backbone of user satisfaction, product loyalty, and an impeccable market reputation.

Software has revolutionized our world, becoming as crucial to our daily lives as the very air we breathe. With its unparalleled ability to empower creation, organization, communication, and analysis, software has forged paths into uncharted territories of human achievement. Yet, within this digital marvel lies an inherent vulnerability to the unexpected—glitches, errors, and bugs that can turn revolutionary tools into sources of frustration. This reality propels us toward an unsung hero in the lifecycle of any software product: exceptional technical support.

Far more than a mere helpline, an adept technical support team is the embodiment of your commitment to customer success—acting as the diligent guardians navigating the complexities of the digital landscape alongside your users. They are the champions who transform potential adversity into seamless continuity, ensuring every query is an opportunity to reinforce trust in your product.

As we delve into the indispensable value that stellar technical support adds to software services, consider this your guide to understanding how this often-understated facet of your business is not just a necessity, but a strategic powerhouse in enhancing customer satisfaction, loyalty, and your software's overall market presence. Join us as we unravel the four compelling reasons why exceptional technical support is not just beneficial, but essential for software vendors aiming for excellence.

Swift Issue Resolution

Imagine the scenario: It's 6 AM on a tranquil Sunday morning, and you're peacefully slumbering, enveloped in the comfort of your bed. Meanwhile, halfway across the world, a customer is gearing up to start their day, relying on your software as an integral component of their business operations. Suddenly, they encounter an issue—an issue that needs immediate attention. With urgency, they seek out a lifeline on your website and find a phone number, a beacon of hope for quick resolution. Their call connects, but instead of swift support, they're met with a confounding labyrinth of automated voices. As frustration mounts, they persist, only to be informed that they are the 27th caller in line. In a moment of exasperation, they don't just metaphorically slam the phone down—they forcefully press the end call button in real disappointment.

This all-too-common scenario underscores the critical nature of support readiness—regardless of the hour. The stark reality is that software glitches don't abide by our sleep schedules or observe our weekends. The absence of immediate assistance can not only fray customer relationships but also bleed into financial losses and squandered time. This is precisely where the safeguard of round-the-clock support becomes your frontline defense. The unpredictability of customer needs dictates a service model that ensures you have a steadfast support system, one that operates 24/7/365 without fail.

Enter the exceptional technical support team—a group of dedicated professionals who grasp the intricacies of your operational demands and stand prepared to address them without delay, ensuring that your business maintains its seamless functionality. They recognize that the terrain of business is in perpetual motion, refusing to pause for weekends or holidays. With such a team in your corner, when software decides to act up at the most inopportune times, you can rest easy. You’re backed by the unwavering commitment of a reliable partner, poised to resolve issues as they arise and keep your enterprise on the steady path to success.

Enhancing Product Reputation

Most founders are hyper-focused on creating a product that provides value in an underserved sector. However, it is no longer enough to just provide a good product; customers are fickle, so if your customer service doesn’t match the quality of your product, they might just switch to one of your competitors at the drop of a hat. Imagine a customer facing a technical snag—a situation where the need for assistance is immediate. They reach out for help, yearning for a resolution. When the response is a convoluted cascade of automated prompts, it's not just time they lose, but also faith in the product. Each interaction, or lack thereof, leaves an indelible mark on the product's standing in the market.

To elevate a product's reputation beyond the commonplace, vendors must ensure that the support system is a reflection of the product's quality—accessible, efficient, and human. Customers should be met with solutions, not a maze of keypresses. It's in the genuine resolution of issues and the warmth of human interaction that a product's reputation is solidified. When customers find themselves speaking with knowledgeable and empathetic support agents who provide swift and effective solutions, they don't merely walk away with their problem solved—they carry with them the impression of a brand that cares, a brand that delivers, and a product that stands reliable.

In an era where word-of-mouth can spread like wildfire, every customer interaction is an opportunity to reinforce a product's reputation. It is an opportunity to demonstrate not only the inherent strength of the software but also the unwavering dedication to customer satisfaction. Remember, the true testament to a product's excellence is not just found in its features and functionality but is also heard in the stories shared by customers who have experienced the full spectrum of what your brand has to offer.

Reducing Churn Rates

As mentioned earlier, a software’s market standing, while heavily reliant on its features and capabilities, is inextricably tied to the trust users place in the product. This deep-seated trust is not just a pillar of product reputation; it is also instrumental in reducing churn rates. Customers remain loyal when they believe not only in the product but also in the support ecosystem behind it. Why spend valuable time, money, and resources acquiring customers when you can’t retain them?

Providing responsive, knowledgeable, and empathetic support is paramount in ensuring customer loyalty. When users know that help is just a call away, ready to address and resolve any issue with urgency and care, their propensity to switch to a competitor diminishes. This is how a software vendor transforms support from a cost center into a strategic asset—a tool that not only rectifies issues but also reinforces the user's decision to stay with the product, thus positively influencing the product’s reputation and reducing churn.

In continuity with enhancing the product's reputation, the role of dependable technical support becomes a cornerstone in a comprehensive strategy to retain customers. Each successful support interaction is a stitch in the broader tapestry of customer experience, reducing the likelihood of users severing ties due to dissatisfaction. By solidifying trust through every technical challenge addressed, software vendors can transform potential churn into lasting loyalty, ensuring that their product is not only recommended but revered in an ever-competitive landscape.

Valuable Feedback

Finally, recognizing feedback as an invaluable asset is essential for any software provider aiming to sustain a low churn rate and bolster their product’s reputation. Beyond the immediate resolution of technical hitches, the act of listening to your customers serves as a golden gateway into their minds and experiences. It’s a chance to glean insights that are otherwise inaccessible. Technical support isn’t just about problem-solving; it's a rich vein of information, providing direct access to the user’s perspective.

Engage with your customers, valuing their feedback as you would a consultant's expert advice. It is in their critiques and compliments that you find the roadmap for refinement—what aspects are hitting the mark, which functionalities require enhancement, and which innovative features could set your software apart. This ongoing dialogue is a powerful tool for developers, empowering them to hone their software to the pinnacle of technical excellence.

A team of exceptional technical support agents becomes the conduit for this valuable exchange, capturing real-time insights that can pivot your software onto a trajectory of continuous improvement. They act as the architects of a bridge between you and your users, transforming feedback into a dynamic engine for innovation and progress. When feedback informs development, it not only improves the product but also solidifies the trust and satisfaction of customers, thereby cementing a reputation of quality and responsiveness.


Now that you’ve grasped the importance of exceptional technical support, it’s time to elevate your game. Technical support is the partner that can lead your business to success or let it falter on the journey toward ultimate customer satisfaction. As we've explored, the pillars of swift issue resolution, enhanced product reputation, reduced churn rates, and the harnessing of valuable feedback are not mere additions to a vendor's offering—they are fundamental to the survival and thriving of a software product in a market that never sleeps. Exceptional technical support is an investment in the lifeblood of customer experience, ensuring not just satisfaction but advocacy and loyalty that ripple through the market, elevating your software from a mere tool to an invaluable asset for users. As a software vendor, the question then isn't whether you can afford to have exceptional technical support—it's whether you can afford not to. Embrace the strategic asset of superior technical support, and watch as your software's reputation, customer base, and bottom line transform from solid to spectacular.

So what are you waiting for? Contact us at Helpt, and let us assemble a highly-trained technical support team at your disposal!

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Brian Yu Brian Yu

Why Cheaping Out on Tech Support is Hurting Your Business

Think you're saving money by cutting corners on tech support? Think again. In the competitive landscape of business today, subpar tech support doesn't just mean minor hiccups; it can disrupt your entire business ecosystem. This article uncovers the real costs that businesses often overlook, shatters the illusion of 'affordable' tech support, and provides actionable insights on building a support team that helps your business not just survive, but thrive.


Ah, the temptation of cutting costs. It's something every business owner faces, especially in the beginning when you death stare at your funding while it slowly creeps toward zero. Picture this: you scan down the budget sheet, and there it is—tech support. You might think, "Well, how difficult can it really be? Why pay some random person to handle my customers? I can handle the support line just fine!" 

You strap your boots on and sign up for a cheap VoIP service. The calls start coming slowly, and in the beginning, there isn’t an issue. But one day you realize that your partner has left you and taken the dogs because you shot up out of bed for the 13th time that night to handle a support ticket. You decide it's time to get some help.  

Now hold on a second before you turn your tech support into a DIY project or outsource it to the lowest bidder. As much as we'd love to think of tech support as just a fancy term for restarting gadgets, it's actually the lifeline of a well-functioning business. We're not talking about just avoiding minor hiccups; we're discussing the health of your entire business ecosystem.

So, take a moment. Maybe take a deep breath, blow your nose, or even take a sip of your lukewarm Folger’s instant coffee. Let's delve into why cutting corners on tech support isn't just a bad idea—it's a risky gamble that could cost you more than you'd ever want to bet.

The Real Costs of Cutting Corners in Tech Support

Let’s get right to the nitty-gritty and take a look at why cutting costs in tech support is hurting your business. Here's a breakdown of the tangible and intangible costs your business could incur by opting for cheaper tech support solutions:

Tangible Costs

Security Risks: Lower-quality tech support can result in vulnerabilities that expose your business to data breaches and regulatory fines.

Employee Productivity: Inconsistent or unreliable tech support impacts employee efficiency. The time spent dealing with technical glitches is time not spent on productive work, affecting your bottom line.

Customer Retention: Poor customer experiences due to tech issues can lead to lost sales and declining customer loyalty, creating a long-term revenue drain.

Intangible Costs

Brand Image: The quality of your tech support is often seen as indicative of your overall business quality. A poor experience can tarnish your brand image and lead to negative reviews.

Employee Morale: Frequent technical problems can be demoralizing for your team, affecting job satisfaction and potentially leading to higher turnover rates.

Customer Trust: When customers experience poor tech support, their trust in your brand diminishes, affecting not just their future buying decisions but also their likelihood to recommend your business to others.

By understanding these costs, you can better appreciate that skimping on tech support is often a false economy. It's an area where quality should never be compromised, as the stakes are too high and the potential losses too great. In a perfect world, there would be 100 hours in the day and an entire team of your clones in order to handle all of the support tickets yourself. Unfortunately, human cloning technology is both morally ambiguous and far away from commercial use. 

So what happens is, business leaders eventually need to trust others to handle their customer support tickets. Their first instinct is always to save money where they can, and when it comes to getting the burden of technical support off their backs, the cheap option seems like the best option.

The Illusion of Affordable Tech Support

The allure of immediate savings is highly tempting, especially for small and growing businesses. DIY solutions or budget providers may offer temporary relief that often comes with unforeseen costs; you might think that you’re saving money with those initial costs, but that will change very quickly. Many businesses, particularly small ones with limited resources, fall into the trap of minimizing their tech support budget. The two most common approaches are:

Handling It In-House 

Many business owners think, "I'm tech-savvy enough; I can manage this myself!" But what starts as an optimistic DIY venture can quickly become a time-consuming nightmare. Every hour you spend troubleshooting technical issues is an hour taken away from strategic planning, client engagement, and other core business activities. Sure, you're saving money by not hiring an external team, but you're paying dearly in lost time and opportunity.

Outsourcing Overseas 

To save on costs, some businesses outsource their tech support to low-cost regions. While overseas services are indeed cheaper, they can come with their own sets of challenges such as language barriers, time zone differences, and sometimes lower service standards. There's also the added risk of data breaches if these third-party vendors aren't compliant with your local data protection laws.

These strategies seem cost-effective initially, but they often lead to hidden costs and problems. The inefficiency and risks simply outweigh the apparent savings.

How to Build Your Technical Support Team

When considering how to build a technical support team, businesses often face the decision of choosing between in-house and outsourced support options. Each approach comes with its advantages and challenges, and the choice may significantly impact your operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, and long-term growth.

In-House Technical Support


Customized Service: An in-house team is deeply familiar with your products and corporate culture, enabling a highly personalized service.

Quick Decision-Making: Issues can be escalated and resolved more quickly when the support team works within the company.

Better Control: An in-house team allows for easier quality assurance and more control over customer data and security.


Cost: Creating an in-house team involves high overhead, including salaries, benefits, and ongoing training.

Scalability: As your business grows, you may need to invest significantly in scaling your in-house team, including recruitment, training, and office space.

Outsourced Technical Support


Cost-Effective: Outsourced services often come at a lower cost due to reduced overhead, allowing you to pay only for the services you need.

Access to Expertise: Third-party providers often specialize in tech support, bringing a broad range of skills and up-to-date knowledge to the table.

Scalability and Flexibility: Outsourced teams can more easily adapt to the changing needs of your business, ramping up or down as required.

Service Levels: Many outsourced providers offer Service Level Agreements (SLAs) that guarantee a certain quality of service, including 24/7 support.


Quality Control: Less direct oversight can mean a potential risk in service quality or customer data security.

Cultural and Language Barriers: If you opt for offshore outsourcing, language barriers can potentially lead to misunderstandings and lower customer satisfaction.

When it comes to building your technical support team, a thoughtful strategic approach is crucial. For startups with limited resources and a growing customer base, outsourcing presents an appealing option, freeing up founders to concentrate on core business activities. However, if your operation requires round-the-clock customer support, scrutinize the service level agreements of potential outsourced providers carefully, as any lapse in service could damage your company's reputation. 

Ultimately, the decision between in-house and outsourced technical support isn't just about the bottom line; it's an investment in your company’s future that should align with your broader business goals and customer satisfaction metrics.

The Impact of Location on Tech Support Quality and Customer Satisfaction

In today’s age where customers have increasingly high expectations for technical support, the question of where to locate your tech support team becomes crucial. On-shore technical support, where agents are based in the same country as the customers they serve, offers several advantages but often at a higher cost.

Advantages of On-Shore Technical Support

Improved Communication: On-shore agents are more likely to be fluent in the language of their customers, resulting in clearer communication and quicker issue resolution.

Cultural Understanding: Agents based in the same country can better relate to customer expectations, cultural norms, and communication styles, offering a more empathetic customer experience.

Quick Resolution Times: With no time-zone differences, on-shore agents can provide real-time support during customers' usual business hours.

Disadvantages of On-Shore Technical Support

Higher Costs: On-shore support tends to be more expensive due to higher labor costs in the home country.

Limited Scalability: Depending on the labor market, on-shore support may have less room to scale up quickly in response to increased demand.

Off-Shore Technical Support

While on-shore support has its merits, off-shoring is another commonly used strategy. Off-shore technical support typically involves outsourcing customer service operations to a foreign country where labor costs are lower.

Advantages of Off-Shore Technical Support

Cost-Effectiveness: Lower labor costs in off-shore locations can significantly reduce operational expenses.

Scalability: Off-shore support centers often have large staff sizes and can easily scale up or down to meet demand.

24/7 Support: Time-zone differences can be an advantage when offering round-the-clock customer support.

Drawbacks and Risks of Off-Shore Technical Support

Language Barriers: Off-shore agents may not be fluent in the customer's language, leading to misunderstandings and frustrations.

Cultural Gaps: Off-shore agents may lack an understanding of customer cultural norms, which can result in a less satisfying support experience.

Quality Control: Businesses often have less oversight on off-shore teams, increasing the risks of poor customer service and, ultimately, data breaches.

The Bottom Line

Choosing the right location for your tech support involves balancing factors such as costs, language proficiency, and time-zone differences against the potential for higher customer satisfaction and loyalty. While on-shore support comes with a price, the benefits often outweigh the costs, making it a sound investment for long-term customer relationship management.

Why On-Shore Technical Support Makes Business Sense

The saying goes that you have to spend money to make money, and this is especially true for customer service. Acquiring a new customer can be up to 25 times more expensive than retaining an existing one, and according to Bain & Company, increasing customer retention rates by just 5% can boost profits by 25% to 95%.

Therefore, while on-shore technical support may seem like a bigger investment up front, the potential for customer retention makes it a wise business move. Why spend so much money trying to acquire customers if you aren’t willing to keep them? Businesses need to go beyond mere customer acquisition and focus on providing excellent post-purchase experiences through effective on-shore technical support.

Conclusion: Why Breaking the Cycle Matters

Let's face it, running a business isn't easy. Between developing products and getting them into customers' hands, it's tempting to cut corners where you can. But here's the thing: ignoring tech support puts you in a vicious cycle you don't want to be in. Once you’ve reached a point where you have too much business to handle it all yourself, you should look into building a team of agents to support your needs. However, you can’t cheap out on this. When you don't take care of your customers after they buy, you're asking for trouble. Complaints go up, good reviews go down, and before you know it, growth starts to flatline.

So, how do you break this cycle? The answer isn't all that complicated—make you and your customers happy. Find a nice mid-ground that doesn’t break the bank while also providing the level of service that will keep your customers satisfied. Happy customers stay, and they tell their friends to stay too. This new cycle of happiness benefits everyone, and all it takes is a little foresight and willingness to sacrifice a bit in the beginning. 

To put it simply, cutting corners on tech support is like stepping over dollars to pick up dimes. It might look like you’re saving, but you're losing out in the long run. So, break the cycle, invest in quality on-shore tech support, and watch your business not just survive, but actually thrive.

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Brian Yu Brian Yu

Why MSPs Need to Offer 24/7/365 Tech Support

In an era of constant connectivity, businesses need a tech partner that's always there for them. Learn why Managed Service Providers (MSPs) offering 24/7/365 tech support isn't just a nice-to-have, but a necessity. Dive into the importance of round-the-clock tech support in minimizing downtime, building client trust, and enhancing customer satisfaction. Discover how MSPs can overcome the challenges of providing such services and stand out in a competitive market. Click to read more about how 24/7/365 tech support can help MSPs exceed customer expectations, attract more business, and secure their place in the market.


We're living in a world that thrives on immediacy and constant connectivity. We expect our issues to be addressed instantly, and downtime is seen as a cardinal sin. In this context, Managed Service Providers (MSPs) have a crucial role to play. They are responsible for managing and resolving technical issues, and their service quality can greatly impact the efficiency and productivity of the businesses they support. That's why it's essential for MSPs to provide round-the-clock, 24/7/365 tech support. But what exactly does this involve, and why is it so vital?

Understanding Managed Service Providers (MSPs)

Managed Service Providers (MSPs) are businesses that take over the responsibility for managing a client's IT infrastructure. This could include anything from managing network security to software updates, or from data backup to end-user systems support. These services are often provided remotely and under a subscription model. This means that the MSP becomes, in effect, an outsourced IT department for businesses that either can't afford to maintain an in-house IT team, or choose not to.

The Importance of 24/7/365 Tech Support

As our world becomes increasingly digitized and businesses operate round the clock, 24/7/365 tech support has become the new gold standard in customer service. It's no longer enough to offer support during 'business hours' because, in the digital world, business hours are every hour. This level of service is especially important for MSPs who manage the critical IT infrastructure that businesses rely on to operate. If MSPs expect to grow in this competitive landscape, they need to ensure their clients that they are able to handle a great volume of calls at any time of day.

Why MSPs Need to Provide Constant Support

The Digital Age and The "Always On" Culture

We're living in an "always-on" culture. The internet never sleeps, and neither do the businesses that operate online. Customers expect businesses to be accessible at all times and to respond promptly to their needs. In this environment, technical glitches, network issues, or system downtime can be incredibly damaging. MSPs therefore need to provide constant, reliable support to mitigate these issues as soon as they arise.

Diverse Client Base and Varied Time Zones

In our globalized business environment, MSPs often have a diverse client base spread across multiple time zones. This makes offering 24/7/365 support not just a luxury, but a necessity. If a client in a different time zone experiences an issue outside of 'normal' business hours, they still need immediate support. MSPs that can provide this level of service ensure that all clients, regardless of location, can receive timely and effective assistance.

Reducing Downtime and Enhancing Business Continuity

Downtime is costly. Whether it's a server failure, a network issue, or a cybersecurity breach, any period of downtime can have a significant financial impact on a business. By offering round-the-clock support, MSPs can ensure that they can respond to and fix issues as soon as they occur, thereby reducing downtime and enhancing business continuity.

Reassuring Client Confidence and Trust

Offering 24/7/365 support isn't just about fixing problems; it's also about providing reassurance. Clients need to know that their IT infrastructure is being monitored and managed at all times, and that any issues will be promptly addressed. This level of service fosters trust and confidence in the MSP's services, helping to build strong, long-lasting client relationships.

Enhancing Customer Satisfaction

There's another critical aspect of round-the-clock support: enhancing customer satisfaction. In a world where customers expect quick responses, no matter the hour, providing 24/7/365 tech support can greatly improve a customer's experience.

Firstly, immediate assistance in times of technical issues minimizes frustration and ensures that the client's business operations are not hindered for longer than necessary. Nothing can sour a customer's experience more than having to wait for hours, or even until the next business day, to get an issue resolved.

Secondly, the very availability of round-the-clock support sends a powerful message to clients. It tells them that their business is valued and their success is a top priority, regardless of the time of day. This is particularly impactful in nurturing client relationships and building loyalty.

Lastly, providing seamless, round-the-clock tech support enables MSPs to exceed customer expectations and deliver a superior service experience. In doing so, it not only boosts customer satisfaction but also strengthens the MSP's reputation in the market, attracting more business in the long run.

Competitive Advantage

In a market saturated with service providers, one way MSPs can stand out from the competition is by offering 24/7/365 support. It's a powerful selling point that can attract clients and lead to higher retention rates. After all, a business is likely to stick with a provider that they know is always there for them, regardless of the time or day.

Challenges in Offering 24/7/365 Support

Resource Management

Offering continuous support isn't without its challenges. It requires significant resources, including a large, skilled workforce able to deal with a wide range of potential issues. MSPs must also invest in the necessary technology to support this level of service. Balancing the need to provide high-quality, round-the-clock service while managing costs and maintaining profitability can be tricky.

Maintaining High-Quality Support

Maintaining a high level of service quality is also a challenge when offering 24/7/365 support. With a higher volume of support requests and the need for swift response times, there's a risk that service quality could be compromised. MSPs therefore need to ensure that they have robust processes in place to maintain service standards at all times.

Overcoming the Challenges

Leveraging Automation

One way to manage these challenges is through automation. By automating routine tasks and using AI to manage alerts and triage issues, MSPs can reduce the workload on their human team members. This allows them to focus on more complex tasks and ensure that service quality is maintained, even during peak times.

Outsourcing Support

Another strategy is to outsource some elements of the support service. This could involve partnering with an external provider to handle support outside of core business hours, or using a third-party call center to handle initial support requests. By leveraging the skills and resources of external partners, MSPs can ensure constant support without overstretching their internal resources.

Using an Omni-Channel Support Approach

An omni-channel support approach, where clients can access support via multiple channels (e.g., phone, email, live chat, social media), can also help manage the demand for 24/7/365 service. This allows clients to choose the most convenient channel for them, and helps to distribute support requests more evenly across different channels.


In an era of constant connectivity and immediate expectations, providing 24/7/365 tech support is a must for MSPs. It's challenging, yes, but by leveraging technologies and strategies such as automation, outsourcing, and omni-channel support, it's more than possible. And the benefits – including reduced downtime, increased client satisfaction, and a strong competitive edge – make it well worth the effort.

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Brian Yu Brian Yu

Outsourced On-Shore Technical Support: The Key to Business Growth

Discover how outsourced on-shore technical support can unlock your business growth potential. Get expert insights and strategies in this informative blog post.

In today's fast-paced digital world, keeping up with and investing in technology is the bare minimum to staying afloat. However, early-stage businesses often make crucial mistakes when they try to keep costs low; they assume that spending on anything other than product development and customer acquisition is unnecessary. However, customer satisfaction is paramount to success, and they expect immediate solutions to their problems. This is where outsourced on-shore technical support comes in, providing businesses with the support they need to grow and thrive. In this article, we will explore how outsourced technical support can be the key to business growth.


Outsourced technical support provides companies with a cost-effective solution to their technical support needs. Without this support, businesses can experience downtime, decreased productivity, and increased costs. In-house technical support teams can be expensive and challenging to manage, which is why more and more businesses are turning to outsourced technical support. In this article, we will explore the benefits of outsourced technical support and how it can be the key to business growth.

Two Scenarios

Imagine you are a founder of an electronics company and you have started to acquire your first few customers. People are using your product around the world and its functionality is paramount to their success. You are excited about this, but you start experiencing an increase in service calls. Customers are calling at 2 AM in the morning and on the weekends, and you are the one picking up the phone all the time. You don’t want to hire someone full time because you don’t have the budget for it, so you decide to continue to pick up the phone. Your work-life balance suffers and you aren’t able to focus on growing your business as much.

Imagine this other scenario: you are a founder of a home security company and you are in over 1000 homes in your target market. You are looking to expand your business, so you choose to outsource your technical support overseas in order to provide 24/7 support for your customers and also save some money. Over the next few months you notice some negative reviews about your company that complain about not being able to get into their house or an inability to stop the beeping. The common complaint is that there was a language barrier when they called in resulting in an inability to fix the problem. Your company’s reputation suffers and you notice your growth slowing down.

Both of these scenarios would have benefited greatly from outsourced on-shore technical support for different reasons. The first person made the mistake of assuming that a full-time employee is the only option, and the second person didn’t consider the risks of off-shore technical support. Let’s dive into why both of these people would have benefitted from outsourced on-shore technical support. 

Customer Satisfaction

There are a multitude of ways for SMB’s to grow outside of user acquisition. Customer satisfaction is a key driver of growth for any business, because it has a direct impact on customer loyalty, retention, and repeat business. Moreover, customer satisfaction can also lead to increased revenue and profitability. A satisfied customer is more likely to come back and make repeat purchases, as well as recommend your business to others through word-of-mouth marketing. 

For example, satisfied customers are more likely to leave positive reviews on websites such as Yelp, Google, or Reddit, which can help attract new customers who are looking for products or services similar to what you offer. In 2016 Crowdtap, a marketing platform, found that 75% of consumers visited Facebook to seek recommendations and advice from friends and family before purchasing a product. In the internet age, consumers are more empowered than ever to research products before purchasing, so reputation becomes more important than ever.

On the other hand, a dissatisfied customer is even more likely to spread negative experiences about your company. The 2020 National Customer Rage Survey found that 17% of those surveyed sought to raise public awareness of their experience, and on average those people told twice as many people about their negative experience than satisfied customers did. This makes sense as negative experiences tend to stay with us for longer and humans in general like to complain. 

In addition to this, consumers are more likely than ever to switch to a competitor.  A study conducted by Khoros found that 65% of customers surveyed changed to a different brand because of a poor experience. Today’s market is saturated with so many businesses that are available at a moment’s notice, so it becomes crucial to make sure all aspects of your business are accounted for. 

Overall, customer satisfaction is a critical component of any growth strategy and outsourcing your on-shore technical support can keep your customers satisfied. By keeping your customers happy, you can increase the lifetime value of each customer, which can have a significant impact on your bottom line.

Advantages of On-Shore Technical Support for Growth

Businesses typically have three options for their technical support needs: in-house, on-shore outsourced, and off-shore outsourced. In-house technical support involves hiring a team of experts to manage your systems and provide support when needed. On the other hand, outsourced technical support involves hiring a third-party provider to manage your technical support needs. On-shore support refers to third-party providers in the same country as your company, while off-shore refers to companies in different countries. Check out this article to find out why on-shore technical support is the gold standard.

1. Cost

One of the most significant advantages of outsourced technical support is cost savings. Hiring an in-house technical support team can be expensive, requiring businesses to pay salaries, benefits, and other overhead costs. Outsourcing technical support, on the other hand, can be more cost-effective, allowing businesses to pay for only the services they need. 

Hiring off-shore agents is cheaper than on-shore agents but businesses can end up paying more in the long-run by making that cost-cutting decision. According to the Harvard Business Review, acquiring a new customer can cost five to 25 times more than retaining an existing one. Many businesses make the mistake of only considering short-term costs, but those decisions can end up costly. 

2. Access to Expertise

Outsourced technical support providers often have a team of experts with a wide range of skills and experience. This means that businesses can access a broader range of expertise than they would have with an in-house team. For example, if your company needs an agent who is trained in the specifics of a new feature or product, then it makes sense to go find someone who has that knowledge and experience. 

To this point, it is easier to gauge the expertise of on-shore agents as their providers are typically more transparent due to the availability of public information by the way of Linkedin. On the other hand, off-shore providers are notorious for having agents with a wide range of technical knowledge, which leads to uneven service for your customers. 

Additionally, outsourced providers can stay up-to-date on the latest technology trends and advancements, ensuring that businesses are always using the most current and effective solutions. These providers are in competition with themselves so it is important for them to stay ahead of the game and provide businesses with the best possible solutions. 

3. Scalability and Flexibility

Outsourced technical support providers can offer businesses the flexibility and scalability they need to grow and adapt to changing circumstances. Providers can easily adjust their services based on business needs, whether that means adding more resources during peak periods or scaling back during slower times.

This is especially true for young businesses because while they have a limited number of customers their call volume will remain relatively low. Founders can better use their skill-set for growing the business while entrusting technical support agents to handle customer service.

4. Improved Service Levels

Outsourced technical support providers often have service level agreements (SLAs) that guarantee a certain level of service quality. This means that businesses can expect reliable and consistent support, with minimal downtime and disruptions. Additionally, providers can offer around-the-clock support, ensuring that businesses can get the help they need whenever they need it.

24/7/365 support is necessary for some businesses, and it is important to ensure a quality level of service at all hours. It all ties back to customer satisfaction, since all it takes is a few customers who couldn’t get service when they needed it for your businesses’ reputation to suffer. 


The saying goes: you have to spend money to make money. In the case of technical support, spending your money wisely can lead to consistent growth. Outsourced on-shore technical support is a cost-effective solution that can help businesses improve customer satisfaction, reduce costs, and focus on their core competencies. By partnering with a specialized technical support provider, businesses can take advantage of the latest technologies and best practices without the added costs of staffing and training. If you're looking to grow your business and provide better technical support to your customers, consider outsourcing your technical support needs. It could be the key to your business growth.

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Brian Yu Brian Yu

The Impact of On-Shore Technical Support on Customer Satisfaction

In today's digital age, customers have extremely high expectations for high-quality technical support for the products and services they use. For example, in a survey conducted by Hubspot, they found that 58% of those surveyed said that they have higher standards for customer service now compared to a year ago. 

However, this is not necessarily a bad thing. 

For businesses, providing top-notch technical support can be a key differentiator in the on-going battle to stand out in a crowded marketplace. In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards outsourcing technical support to offshore locations, but what impact does this have on customer satisfaction? 

In this article, we will explore the impact of on-shore technical support on customer satisfaction and how businesses can optimize their technical support to improve customer experience.


Technical support can come in many forms, including phone support, email support, live chat, and in-person support. A well-executed technical support strategy can lead to increased customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention.

Technical support is a critical aspect of the customer experience, as customers reach out when they are experiencing problems with the products or services they have purchased. This becomes especially important because customers engage with technical support when they are already frustrated, so anything but a seamless experience is likely to escalate those negative feelings. A study conducted by Arizona State University found that 66% of American households experienced at least one problem with products and services they purchased during the past 12 months, and nearly two-thirds of everyone with a problem experienced customer rage.

The intricacies that go into customer experience spread wide, but in this article, we will explore the impact of on-shore technical support on customer satisfaction. Specifically, we will examine the benefits of on-shore support, the drawbacks of off-shore support, and best practices for implementing on-shore support.

The Benefits of On-Shore Technical Support

Improved communication

One of the primary benefits of on-shore technical support is the improved communication and language skills that agents possess. With on-shore technical support, agents are typically fluent in the language of the customer, which can lead to clearer communication and quicker issue resolution. This can help to avoid misunderstandings and provide a more satisfying customer experience.

Cultural Familiarity and Understanding

On-shore technical support agents who are based in the same country as the customer are likely to have a better understanding of the customer's culture and norms. This can help to avoid misunderstandings and create a more comfortable and empathetic experience for the customer. 

Quicker Resolution of Technical Issues

On-shore technical support can lead to quicker resolution of technical issues because agents are typically based in the same time zone as the customer, which means that they can provide support during the customer's normal business hours. This can lead to faster resolution times and improved customer satisfaction. According to a study by Hubspot, 90% of customers consider an "immediate" response to customer service questions essential or very important, with 60% defining "immediate" as a response time of 10 minutes or less.

The Drawbacks of Off-Shore Technical Support

Language Barriers

When technical support agents are located in a different country, there may be language barriers that can make communication difficult and frustrating for customers. Business owners have little control over the quality of agents if they decide to outsource, and including language as a factor only increases the chance of producing negative experiences.

Cultural Differences

Cultural differences can also be a drawback of off-shore technical support. Off-shore agents may not have a good understanding of the customer's culture and norms, which can lead to misunderstandings and a less satisfying customer experience. An example of this is that certain cultures express themselves with louder volumes of speech or directness which can be construed differently depending on the listener. What may be considered rude in one culture may be neutral in others. 

On-Shore vs. Off-Shore Technical Support: A Comparison

When it comes to technical support, businesses must weigh the benefits and drawbacks of on-shore and off-shore support. On-shore technical support tends to be more expensive than off-shore support due to higher labor costs. However, the benefits of on-shore support can outweigh the costs for many businesses.

In terms of communication, on-shore technical support has a clear advantage. With fewer language barriers and cultural differences, communication is more effective and efficient. In addition, the higher quality of service provided by on-shore technical support teams can lead to a better overall customer experience.

To compare the quality of on-shore and off-shore technical support, let's take a look at a case study. A software company based in the United States decided to move its technical support team to India to save on labor costs. However, after several months, the company noticed a decline in customer satisfaction ratings. Customers were complaining about long wait times, language barriers, and a lack of empathy from the technical support team. The company decided to move its technical support team back to the United States, and customer satisfaction ratings improved.

The main takeaway from this is that businesses spend a lot of money on acquiring customers, but then some of them cut costs on the experiences that nurture the relationships. According to the Harvard Business Review, acquiring a new customer can be five to 25 times more expensive than retaining an existing one. Additionally, a study conducted by Bain & Company shows that increasing customer retention rates by 5% can increase profits by 25% to 95%.

The job isn’t finished when customer buy the product. In order to increase the LTV of the customers it is essential to give them the best possible customer experience through on-shore technical support.

Best Practices for On-Shore Technical Support

Implementing on-shore technical support is not enough to ensure customer satisfaction. Businesses must also follow best practices to maximize the benefits of on-shore support.

Hiring Practices

Hiring practices are critical for building an effective on-shore technical support team. Businesses should look for technical support agents who have excellent communication skills, language proficiency, and cultural understanding. Technical support falls under the umbrella of customer service, so finding talent who has these soft skills is an important consideration. In addition, technical support agents should have experience in the industry and with the products or services they will be supporting.


Training and development are also essential for building an effective on-shore technical support team. Technical support agents should receive ongoing training to keep their skills up to date and learn about new products and services. This falls on the shoulders of the business as it is their responsibility to give the agents the proper tools in order to represent the brand to their fullest ability. Having agents on-shore allows businesses to schedule training sessions in the same time-zone, and ensure that they have the necessary language ability.


Process improvement is another critical factor in maximizing the benefits of on-shore technical support. Businesses should continually evaluate their technical support processes and identify areas for improvement. For example, businesses may find that changing the call routing process can lead to faster resolution times and higher customer satisfaction ratings.


Metrics and analytics can also help businesses track the performance of their technical support teams. By tracking key performance indicators such as first call resolution rate and customer satisfaction ratings, businesses can identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions to improve the customer experience.


It is becoming more and more important for businesses to provide high-quality technical support. On-shore technical support can provide many benefits, including improved communication, cultural understanding, and a higher quality of service. Off-shore technical support has its share of drawbacks, including language barriers and time zone differences.

When choosing a technical support location, businesses must consider several factors, including cost, language proficiency, cultural understanding, time zone differences, and quality of service. By following best practices such as hiring the right people, providing ongoing training, and continually evaluating processes, businesses can maximize the benefits of on-shore technical support and improve customer satisfaction ratings.

Providing high-quality technical support is an essential aspect of the customer experience. While off-shore technical support may be cheaper, on-shore technical support can provide many benefits that outweigh the costs. By choosing the right location and following best practices, businesses can improve customer satisfaction ratings and differentiate themselves from their competitors.

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Brian Yu Brian Yu

Why On-Shore Technical Support Is The Gold Standard

1. Introduction

Technical support is a crucial aspect of any business that operates in the digital space. With the growing dependence on technology, businesses require a reliable and efficient support system to ensure that their products and services run smoothly. One of the most important decisions a business can make when it comes to technical support is whether to use on-shore or off-shore support. In this article, we will discuss why on-shore technical support is considered the gold standard and why it may be the best choice for your business.

2. What is On-Shore Technical Support?

On-shore technical support refers to technical support that is provided by individuals or companies within the same country or region as the business they are supporting. For example, if a business is based in the United States, on-shore technical support would be provided by individuals or companies within the United States.

3. Benefits of On-Shore Technical Support

Quality of Service

On-shore technical support is known for providing a higher quality of service compared to off-shore support. This is because on-shore support teams have a better understanding of the local market and are more familiar with the culture and language. They also have a better understanding of the products and services being offered and can provide a more tailored approach to technical support. According to a study conducted by Deloitte, on-shore technical support teams have a 35% higher customer satisfaction rate than off-shore teams. Additionally, another study by the Everest Group found that on-shore technical support teams have a higher first call resolution rate (FCR) compared to off-shore teams. These statistics highlight the importance of on-shore technical support and its impact on customer satisfaction and service quality.

Cultural Compatibility

On-shore technical support also offers better cultural compatibility. Support teams that are based in the same country or region as the business they are supporting are more likely to understand the cultural nuances and expectations of the customers they are serving. This can lead to a better customer experience and increased customer satisfaction.


Communication is key when it comes to technical support. On-shore technical support teams are more likely to have a better understanding of the language and dialect used by the customers they are serving. This can lead to clearer communication and a better understanding of the issues that need to be addressed.

Time Zone Differences

On-shore technical support also offers the advantage of being in the same time zone as the business they are supporting. This means that support can be provided in real-time, which can lead to faster resolution times and a better overall customer experience.

Regulatory Compliance

On-shore technical support teams are also more likely to be familiar with the regulatory compliance requirements of the country or region they are operating in. This can help to ensure that the business is meeting all of the necessary requirements and avoiding any potential legal issues.

4. Drawbacks of Off-Shore Technical Support

While off-shore technical support may offer cost savings, there are several drawbacks that should be considered:

Language Barriers

One of the biggest challenges of off-shore technical support is the language barrier. Communication can be difficult when the support team and the customer speak different native languages. It is difficult to expect consistent language fluency which leads to misunderstandings that make it difficult to provide effective technical support.

Lack of Control

Off-shore technical support teams are managed by their own staff, which can make it difficult to maintain control over the quality of service being provided. This can be particularly challenging when it comes to training and monitoring support staff, as well as ensuring that they are adhering to company policies and procedures.

Time Zone Differences

Off-shore technical support teams are often located in different time zones, which can make it difficult to provide support in real-time. This can lead to longer resolution times and may result in a lower level of customer satisfaction.

Security Concerns

Off-shore technical support teams may also raise security concerns. This is particularly true if sensitive information is being shared or if the support team has access to confidential systems or data. There is always a risk that this information may be compromised, intentionally or unintentionally.

5. Conclusion

In conclusion, on-shore technical support offers many benefits over off-shore support. From higher quality of service to better cultural compatibility, on-shore support is considered the gold standard for technical support. While off-shore support may offer cost savings, it comes with several drawbacks that should be considered before making a decision. Ultimately, the decision to choose on-shore or off-shore technical support should be based on the unique needs of your business and the level of support that your customers require.

If you're interested in learning more about on-shore technical support, be sure to do your research and choose a provider that can meet your unique needs and requirements. By investing in on-shore technical support, you can provide your customers with the highest level of service and support possible.

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Brian Yu Brian Yu

7 Reasons Why SMBs Can Boost Revenue by Outsourcing Technical Support

SMBs may hesitate to invest in technical support due to their focus on growth, but outsourcing can boost revenue and growth simultaneously. SMBs face a unique challenge in the competitive marketplace - standing out from the competition while maintaining growth and profitability. One way to achieve this goal is by investing in customer experience. Providing excellent technical support is crucial to building a loyal customer base, increasing revenue, and expanding the business. In 2023, customer experience is more important than ever because people are more likely than ever to switch to competitors after one bad experience. 

It may seem counterintuitive since improvements typically require spending more money, but outsourcing technical support can produce the best of both worlds. Here are the top 7 reasons how SMB manufacturing companies can boost revenue and focus on growth by investing in customer experience.

1. Increased Efficiency and Productivity

Investing in tech support can help improve the efficiency and productivity of your business. Most SMBs have growth as one of the most important goals. By having a dedicated team of professionals to handle your technology needs, you can free up your staff to focus on other areas of your business.

For instance, outsourcing tech support can help to streamline business processes and automate repetitive tasks, enabling employees to concentrate on higher value work. This can lead to increased output and a more productive workforce.

According to a study by McKinsey & Company, companies that invest in automation technologies and digital tools can increase productivity by up to 30%. By outsourcing tech support, businesses can achieve these benefits and make more money in the long run.

2. Improved Customer Satisfaction

Good customer service is critical for any business, and on-shore tech support can help you achieve it. By having a team of professionals available to handle customer issues promptly and efficiently, you can improve customer satisfaction rates.

Dedicated tech support can provide a variety of services to enhance the customer experience, such as troubleshooting technical issues, providing technical guidance, and offering personalized assistance. This can help to build trust and loyalty with your customers and lead to increased revenue.

According to a survey by American Express, 7 out of 10 US consumers say they are willing to spend more with companies that provide excellent customer service. By investing in dedicated tech support, businesses can deliver exceptional customer service and generate more revenue.

3. Increased Customer Loyalty

When customers have an excellent experience with your company, they're more likely to return and do business with you again. These customers are more likely to make repeat purchases, refer others to your business, and leave positive reviews which results in higher revenue for your business. 

Acquiring customers is significantly more difficult than retaining existing customers. Companies that focus too much on customer acquisition often neglect nurturing existing customer relationships and inevitably lose them

According to Harvard Business Review, the cost of acquiring a new customer can range from five to twenty-five times higher than retaining an existing one. By investing in customer experience, SMB manufacturing companies can build customer loyalty and foster long-term relationships with their customers resulting in lower costs and more revenue.

4. 24/7 Support

Outsourcing technical support can provide SMBs with 24/7 support to ensure that they are always covered, even outside of normal business hours. This can be particularly important for SMBs that operate in multiple time zones or have customers located around the world.

24/7 support can involve a range of services, such as help desk support, network monitoring, and emergency response. By having access to round-the-clock support, SMBs can minimize downtime, reduce the risk of data loss, and maintain business continuity.

According to a survey by Salesforce, 72% of customers expect companies to have 24/7 customer service. By investing in on-shore technical support, SMBs can meet these expectations and deliver exceptional customer service that can help drive revenue growth.

5. Cost Savings

Contrary to popular belief, outsourcing tech support can be cost-effective for businesses. By outsourcing your tech support, you can save on the costs of hiring and training full-time staff.

For instance, outsourcing tech support can provide a range of services, from help desk support to network administration, at a fraction of the cost of hiring full-time staff. This can help businesses to reduce overhead costs, maximize their budgets, and make more money in the long run.

According to a study by Deloitte, outsourcing IT support can result in cost savings of up to 40%. By investing in on-shore tech support, businesses can achieve these savings and reinvest them in other areas of their operations.

6. Competitive Advantage

Investing in on-shore tech support can give your business a competitive advantage by improving efficiency, productivity, and customer service. This can help differentiate your business from competitors and attract more customers.

For instance, businesses that invest in on-shore tech support can provide faster response times, more personalized service, and better system performance than competitors that do not. This can help to build customer loyalty and generate more revenue in the long run.

According to a survey by Salesforce, 67% of customers say they are willing to pay more for a great experience. By investing in on-shore tech support, businesses can deliver exceptional experiences and gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

7. Flexibility

Outsourcing technical support can provide SMBs with flexible support options that optimize their operations and boost revenue. By accessing specialized expertise and resources on-demand, SMBs can achieve significant cost savings, avoid hiring and training costs, and position themselves for long-term success. 

This can be especially beneficial for SMBs that only require support during specific hours or seasons, as outsourcing allows them to access technical support when they need it most. Additionally, outsourcing technical support can help SMBs to avoid the costs of hiring and training in-house staff, which can provide additional cost savings.

In conclusion, SMBs and manufacturing companies can make more money by investing in outsourced tech support. By improving efficiency and productivity, increasing customer satisfaction, reducing downtime, enhancing security, accessing expertise, saving costs, and gaining a competitive advantage, businesses can achieve their revenue goals. It's time to take your business to the next level by outsourcing tech support.

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Worksheet David Sohn Worksheet David Sohn

Worksheet: Comparing a Call Center or Tech Support Service

Not sure which offering best fits your needs?

Ask these questions when considering a call center or tech support service:

  1. Will my calls be answered live?

  2. How technical are your agents?

  3. Are your agents based in the US?

  4. Do you support multi-channel communication?

  5. Do you offer warm hand-offs and escalations?

  6. Do you provide ongoing support and follow-up?

  7. Can you use our existing support tools and systems?

  8. Do you provide instant post call documentation?

  9. Do you offer flexible plans to fit our needs?

  10. Will your offering help our business grow?

Use this worksheet to rate your level of confidence in each important question 1-10, then total the scores to see which offering is the most complete.


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