Outsourced Technical Support for Established HW Manufacturers and ISV’s

Your customers LOVE human agents

‌Helpt understands that established brands need to ensure that their customer support capabilities are an extension of the amazing experience that they are selling.

Helpt provides industry-leading on-shore outsourced technical support. We believe that customer support is a major key for businesses to thrive, and we enable this by offering expert US-based technical agents 24/7/365 with no automated voice machines.

Look like a hero

‌Helpt agents’ technical training enables them to address issues that are not necessarily due to your hardware or software.

‌Helpt agents solve your customer’s problem, regardless of the technology causing the mishap.

Incremental Customer Support

We understand that your call volume fluctuates, so our flexibility prepares us to help close the gaps or shoulder the entire operation.

‌‌ Helpt can take all your customer support calls, or just the ones during nights and weekends, or maybe during a new product launch or software release.

Trusting someone else to handle your customers and transitioning to a new service can be extremely stressful. ‌Whether it be providing incremental or total support, Helpt makes the process as smooth as possible.

‌Low Transition Costs

We have established “train-the-trainer” on-boarding and customizable reporting to make it easier for you to transition your customer support group to Helpt.

The Helpt Difference

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